Past Catalgoues

Holdsworth Bros. has been manufacturing jewellery for over 130 years and is extremely proud of the quality, design and beauty of our pieces. Each year or so we collate the finest and newest pieces in to our catalogue.

Since 2005 we moved away from simple brochures of our pieces to a more formal book. Through several iterations and innovations we have changed the look and feel of our catalogues to reflect the soul of our company.

Where possible we use friends, family and staff from Holdsworth Bros to model and Tim Holdsworth has set up his own photographic studio to take all the product shots and undertakes all the graphic design to produce the final book.

We are really proud to not only make the jewellery in the catalogues but to also produce the catalogues ourselves.

The current catalogue can be found below and past years also in this section.

[flipbook pdf=”” theme=”light” header=”Opening Catalogue…” title=”Please Wait” width=”100%”]